Monday, September 19, 2005

preliminary bibliography

papers from the course that look relevant, at least at first glance:
Simon - The Architecture of Complexity
(for the argument about why evolution might have to be hierarchical in a particular way and so modular)
Schlosser - The Role of Modules in Development and Evolution
Schank and Wimsatt - Evolvability: Adaptation and Modularity
Raff - Modularity, Dissociation, and Co-option

papers from Edouard's class that might be relevant:
(will fill in later)

reference book on neuroscience:
Kandel, Schwartz, Jessell - Principles of Neural Science

chapters from Sandy's book on modularity:
(will fill in later)

other books:
Fodor - The Modular Mind
Minsky - Society of Mind
Karmiloff-Smith - Beyond Modularity

some possible leads to chase down:
Bonner (1988)
Lewontin (1974)
Brandon (1999)
Gerhart + Kirschner (1998)
Raff + Raff (2000)
Wagner + Laubichler (2004)
Hansen (2003)
Churchland + Sejnowski (1992)
Kosslyn + Koenig (1992)


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